Niculiţel. A Roman Rural Settlement in North-East Moesia Inferior


Autoren: George Nuţu, Simina Margareta Stanc, Dorel Paraschiv
Reihe: Archaeologica et Anthropologica II
Format: A4 21 x 29,7 cm
258 S. (incl. 25 Abb. 46 Tafeln, teils farbig)
ISBN: 978-3942994-09-5
Status: Lieferbar – Inhalt

Titel: Niculiţel. A Roman Rural Settlement in North-East Moesia Inferior. Archaeological & Archaeozoological Research
Autoren: George Nuţu, Simina Margareta Stanc, Dorel Paraschiv
Reihe: Archaeologica et Anthropologica II
Format: A4 21 x 29,7 cm
258 S. (incl. 25 Abb. 46 Tafeln, teils farbig)
ISBN: 978-3942994-09-5
Status: Lieferbar – Inhalt
Preis: 39.80 Euro


This meticulously edited volume, containing a lot of coloured figures and plates, represents the monographical presentation of an important Roman rural settlement in all its aspects, including archaeozoology. Between 2009 and 2011 salvage archaeological research was conducted in the northern area of the present day village of Niculitel (Dobruja, South-East Romania) revealing an early Roman villa, which functioned starting with first half of the 2nd century and lasted until mid-3rd century AD when the entire area was destroyed by the Carpian and Gothic invasions. The authors of this monograph proposed an interdiciplinary analysis of the architectural remains and of the archaeological findings discovered during two field seasons. A large pottery assemblage has been analysed, together with related finds made of glass, metal and carved bone.

The authors:

George Nutu is senior curator at the Eco-Museum Institute in Tulcea. He is specialized in ancient crafts, Roman and early Byzantine metalwork and conducted archaeological excavations for several field seasons at Niculitel and other sites from Dobruja. He obtained his PhD in 2011 at Iasi University and is co-author of two monographs and author/co-author of more than 50 articles.

Simina Margareta Stanc is lecturer at the Faculty of Biology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (Romania). She is author or coauthor of three universitary courses, five monographs and 70 scientific articles in the Archaeozoology and Animal comparative anatomy fields, published in volumes in Romania and abroad. She coordinated as a director three research projects and was a member of the research team for other eight projects.

Dorel Paraschiv is senior researcher at the Eco-Museum Institute in Tulcea and is specialized in Roman pottery. He is the author of a monograph dedicated to early Roman, late Roman and early Byzantine amphorae from the Lower Danube.