European Journal of Science and Theology


Editor: Iulian Rusu
Format: 24×17 cm
ISSN: 1841- 0464
issued by Ecozone Publishing House Iasi, distributed by Parthenon-Verlag

Titel: European Journal of Science and Theology
Editor: Iulian Rusu
Format: 24×17 cm
ISSN: 1841- 0464
issued by Ecozone Publishing House Iasi, distributed by Parthenon-Verlag
Preis: 450 Euro, 6 issues/year (Abonnement, subscription)

EJST ist in den folgenden Abstracting und Indexing Datenbanken indiziert:

EJST is covered by the following abstracting and indexing services:

ISI: Arts and Humanities Citation Index

ISI: Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE), including the Web of Science (Impact-factor 0.6, 2012)

Scopus by Elsevier Bibliographic Databases

Über EJST:

Das EJST publiziert bahnbrechende und neuartige Studien zu einem innovativen Forschungsfeld, der Verbindung zwischen Religionswissenschaften und Naturwissenschaften. Die Zeitschrift erscheint seit 2005, mittlerweile sechsmal pro Jahr und bietet Forschern das neue Diskussionsforum für diejenigen Themenfelder, in denen sich Theologie, Religionswissenschaften und Naturwissenschaft treffen und überschneiden, wie etwa Hirnforschung, Embryonal- und Stammzellenforschung nebst ihrer ethischen Implikationen, Forschungen zu Restaurationstechniken für Sakralkunst und Kirchenbauten etc.

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Informationen zu back-issues und Abos über den Vertrieb:

Interessante Leseproben finden Sie hier:
N. Melniciuc-Puica and E. Ardelean, The industrial pollution impact on religious heritage in Romania,

C. Southgate, C. Hunt and D.G. Horrell, Ascesis and assisted migration responses to the effects of climate change on animal species

A. V. Nesteruk, The Universe Trenscended. God’s „Presence in Absence“ in Science and Theology

About EJST

EJST is publishing groundbreaking and pioneering articles in an innovative field of research: the contact zone of natural sciences and religious studies/theology. The journal has been edited since 2005, now coming forward with six issues per annum. It offers researchers a forum for discussion about new approaches where theology and religious studies intersect with applied science, as for example in neurology, stem-cell research (including ethics) or disciplines involved in the process of the restoration and conservation of religious artefacts, a.s.o.

More information is to be found in the presentation file on the left

Information on back-issues and subscription via:

Some extracted articles:
N. Melniciuc-Puica and E. Ardelean, The industrial pollution impact on religious heritage in Romania

C. Southgate, C. Hunt and D.G. Horrell, Ascesis and assisted migration responses to the effects of climate change on animal species

A. V. Nesteruk, The Universe Trenscended. God’s „Presence in Absence“ in Science and Theology